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Math Department

"May Knowledge Guide Us" is the motto for Thousand Islands Secondary School. This statement is relevant to the students here because they know that education is a top priority to help people succeed in life. In the math department, students demonstrate a wide variety of mathematical problem solving techniques used in the real world as well as in other applications for specialty subjects. Students are encouraged to explain their solutions using relevant mathematical terms to consolidate their understanding and bolster self-confidence. More complex problems are studied to promote a group problem solving approach and to promote logical thought. Students continue to practice and improve proficiency with calculators, including developing appropriate estimation skills and graphics capabilities. Computer application software is incorporated wherever practical.

The TISS mathematics department prides itself on its ability to offer "mathematics for all" to a wide range of student interests and abilities. Students from grade 9 to OAC have been successful in their programs as well as in external competitions such as the Waterloo Mathematics Contest. Our innovative Integrated Science Studies Program offers mathematics, science, computer and technology. This program received a teaching innovation award from the UCDSB.

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