Welcome to Co-operative Education at TISS!
Your Future Starts HERE!

Regardless of whether you will be going on to College, an Apprenticeship, University or the Work World - Co-op is for all students! Co-op credits can count for 2 of students' 18 compulsory credits and up to 12 optional credits. In Co-operative Education, students earn credits by working at a local business or institution. The possibilities are endless! Students can be placed with electricians, masons, hairstylists, fitness centres, restaurants, hospitals, dentists, equestrian centres, automotive shops, printers, hardware stores, child-care centres, grocers, carpenters, cabinet makers, chiropracters, senior-care centres, animal hospitals, physiotherapists, dance theatres, information technologists, recreation centres, travel agents, welders, tool and die makers, HVAC professionals and on and on! Co-operative Education can be taken in Grades 11 and 12 and is a great option for returning students to gain and improve skills after graduation. For more information, see your Guidance counsellor or Mr. Suttner in the Co-op office.
Triple Play/ Dual Credits
Grade 12 students have the opportunity to register in part-time studies at St. Lawrence College (SLC), Brockville Campus, for one course. Most students will take this course in conjunction with their high school Co-operative Education program, so as not to miss their secondary school classes (while attending their college course). Upon successful completion of the St. Lawrence College course, students will be granted a college credit and a Ministry-assigned secondary school dual credit. On the successful completion of the work experience portion of the Co-op program, students will earn Co-operative Education credits based on the number of hours completed. For more information about dual credit opportunities and courses being offered at the college, contact your guidance counsellor.